Cube Gallery

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mr. Childs Presents Printmaking Volume 1

Today is the reception for my latest exhibit in King's Mountain! This is my first Printmaking show for 2012!  Thanks for all of the support!  The reception will be 7-9 pm tonight at the depot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep Working Your Craft

It doesn't matter how old you may be, keep the passion that you have for your craft! Some have the gift of teaching.  Pass that on to the next generation.  Everyone has something credible to bring to the table.  Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow and teach.  The sky is always the limit. If you may feel trapped at home start sending letters or take the time to learn the computer.  The computer can open up a whole new world that you haven't imagined yet.  Yes, of course get a trusted loved one with the patience and dedication to help you get well on your way.  The computer is an artist too.  So if you are an artist, there is no reason to not be using it to grow, mentor, encourage and re-energize.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Scripture & Scribbles a Success!

This weekend's workshop was a success.  It took a dynamic team to bring this all together.  A thank you to the church, King's Mountain Herald, Big E's BBQ and Pizza Hut our sponsors!  A lot of art was created. Critiques and encouragement was given as well as an Award Ceremony.   People ate a lot of food and had fun.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Carl's Scripture and Scribbles Workshop

Carl's Scripture and Scribbles Workshop 2012 Art Workshop

The first 2012 Art Workshop for the community
Structured Program- KJV Scripture and art produced from all of the creative minds.  Progam is for school aged children and adults. 
Opportunities to produce a personal work based on scripture.
Recognition of all participants
Artist Carl Childs Critique
Free to community
All children must have a parent or guardian present
Award Winning American Artist: Carl Childs
Location: Mount Olive Baptist Church
146 Dixon School Road
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Date: March 23 & 24, 2012
Times: Session 1 Friday 4-5 pm, Session 2 Friday 5-6 pm
           Session 3 Saturday 11 am -12 pm, Session 4 Saturday 12-1 pm
Introduction of Artist Carl Childs (3 mins)
Carl Childs talks about importance of Art (2-5 mins)
Reading of Scripture from KJV Bible (2-4 mins)
Art production time (10-15-20 mins)
Artist recognition/critique (20 mins)
Light snack/Lunch (10 mins)
Sponsorship can be completed online at or www.carlsgalleryalive.blogspot

Contact us to sponsor and support this event: or (704) 898-5421

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