Cube Gallery

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Project Soar is Finished for November 1, 2012 VIP Showing

Project Soar is finished!  It will be shown at the New Fortress of Solitude.  This is the show and tell studio area for those who are not in the loop.  When it comes to soar!  It is a very unique sculptural piece.  Soar is an inspirational piece with elements from the Great Fall in Genesis.  When you look at this piece it will take you back to ancient times just from the look and unique texture of the work. Soar is a female form with several birds flying from this form. This piece is a liberation/inspirational piece for any woman that has felt that they were not important or feel that the "fall" still lingers.  Even though the fall happened, since that day, "You are to soar!!! You have unlimited opportunity and potential always. It is a piece you are definitely want to see.  To me this work is among my best and that is without any gems incorporated into.  It will be the first publicly shown piece that will have gems very soon.  Ruby is the stone of choice for this piece which also leads us to another scripture.  I'm not going to tell all.  I won't allow you to kiss this work goodbye.  Soar has been declassified.  This work has developed me in a different direction then my previous works.  I have also created a special textured"skin" or "Childs Effect" exclusively on this piece.  I predict this work to collect several awards in the future.  I'm very happy with this work because I was able to keep my original vision of this work in place until completion. This work has the look of a ancient or historical piece that has been unearthed at an excavation site or a piece that was found on a deep sea dive. Also look for this piece to be featured at one of my next exhibits.  I look forward to this piece gaining museum and gallery time in several communities.  I also enjoyed  the multitude of opportunities for experimentation with this work that has liberated and set me free. This work is an exclamation point on my sculptural ability.


The new BATS class starts next Monday, November 5, 2012.  Previous BATS students will be offered several opportunities based on their recruiting efforts for the new class.  Even though class is over you should still be working your craft 20 to 40 hours a week.  This will put you in the what is your norm as an artist or businessperson.  Right now if you are an artist you should be working on your second or third sketchbook.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Carl's Mini Geometic Game Was a Success!!!

Carl's Mini Geometric Game was fun and was a super success.  I'm pleased to share a report of talking to a 4 year old at the event.  This 4 year old just like any child her age was excited to see all the prizes that was at the arcade.  She asked me how could she get a prize.  I told her you have to make a Geometric shape that's 2D or 3D with this sheet of paper.  Her eyes got big and she said that she was going to make an Octagon!  That was AWESOME!  She won an instant prize which was a glow bracelet that definitely started her to talking.  Later that evening she was presented her prize a teddy bear which she excitedly grabbed, said thank you and ran over to her grandparents.  The future is going to be brighter because the very young are still open minded.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Several Events This Week

I will keep working my craft and build strong numbers for my studio time.  Today I spent time going through an interview with the media and was on blog talk radio earlier this morning.  Additionally I have been busy building value and selling art.  The Chocolate Fountain will be out of the kiln glaze fired this week.  I will be able to give more of an update tomorrow.  Chocolate Test will be this week also!  Chocolate tests and fountain test will take up approximately 6-8 hours this week.  I currently have 3 solo shows going on in the community.  I still have work in a combined show in downtown Gastonia (Arts On Main) that will be on display for 2 more days.  I'm also inviting everyone to Jeanne Rauch Gallery to see my 3D work that is on display there.  How you like me now! :)  I'm still recruiting people for my November 5th class!!!  Additionally I'll be working pastels this week a minimum of 8 hours. I will be mapping Project Soar tomorrow and will dedicate 3 1/2 hours to upgrade this project to level 3 status.  Starting new clay work tomorrow a 2 1/2 hour investment.  I will also be waxing and glazing some of my bisque work. Tomorrow is going to be a highly productive day!  I have a 14 hour fitness investment scheduled for this week.  Also I have a 24 hour commitment to Carl's Geometry Game first appearing in Kings Mountain, NC.  I also have some media things I need to follow up with for my solo exhibit and reception November 30, 2012.


It was true team work.  Everyone showed tremendous growth and there was 100% participation.  All of the thinking for class was way outside of the box.  That is the norm for our group.  I'm very happy that everyone had a great time and learned so much.  I'm proud of everyone utilizing there skills in a high impact, quick decision making complex scenario.  It took some time to put tonight's mission together and it was worth it!  Everyone study your current notes. Keep winning in your craft!!!  It is going to be a long night for me due to some more work I need to get accomplished before tomorrow and Thursday.

Be ready to take on the day tomorrow!  We will be going over Copy Right, Artist Statement and as always building VALUE.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Work craft without ceasing.  Draw and work business plans like there's no tomorrow!  Be early as usual to class.  No stopping by drink/snack machines until break!  Be prepared to really be challenged and experience exponential growth this week.  Mission positions will be decided based on your rating!  Travis has been selected to be: COMMO/TECH SPECIALIST.   With choice between Kits 1,2 or 3.  Congrats!  Take advantage of extra credit opportunities!  Final exams are this week!!!   Apply all that you have learned and you will do fine.  Speak life into every situation, no matter what noise others may be speaking. This class has a noise control feature. Keep Winning!

Field Trip Was Success (A Week to Remember)

The Field Trip was an AWESOME life changing experience for everyone involved.  I knew that we could have a super time without having to line up all of the Mercedes and convoy to the airport to go to Europe.  I did share my Carl's Cruise which will be happening in 2013. :)  The Chocolate Fountain should be exiting the kiln this week.

This is week is going to be AWESOME!  My first BATS class will be completed this week. We will make future plans for a graduation. BATS this week is going to be action packed and loaded with a tons of legal stuff and MISSION ONE orders will be issued soon!!!  I will be in the newspaper this week building value, you have to look.  Thursday, I will be in the horse drawn buggy as I enter the Arts and Science Hall at Gaston College for my Coronation as "YOUR ROYAL EMINENCE"  calling me Carl was just too short. "Also "Carl your AMAZING" was getting to be too common.  Who knows some art work may have sold, I may have another award or aliens may come get the "haters" :) Don't come running to me if you are a hater.  The aliens are only going to take you on that long awaited vacation or maybe this is you chance to just get away from it all! :)  Spock and Tuvok  both agree that taking the BATS Class is the only logical move to make for November 5th.   Also I heard them whisper something about giving the BORG your address if you don't take my class.  I could be wrong.  I almost have a cloaking device wired into my Porsche.  Later this week is going to be Carl's Mini Geometry/Arcade Game Contest.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Work Your Studio Time & Build Discovery, Value & Opportunities

Studio Time is the opportunity for discovery, mastery of skill and clarity of priorities.  It is your personal time that is an investment in YOU!  To not do your studio time is neglecting your craft's health.  Today I started my studio time at 6am and it didn't end until slightly after 7pm.  Tremendous value and skills were built today.  It will be a future discussion, a teaching point and not a casual conversation.  Establish minimum standards for your studio time and exceed them.  Your skill level and overall rating depends on it.  Your skills are the keys that can open doors.  How many keys do you have ready to use?  Tomorrow I will be on a field trip with my class.  I won't be saying where because it is by invitation only.  I still say thanks to everyone following my blog.

There will be a special announcement tomorrow about my latest event in the community!  Keep working to gain higher skill and understanding of your craft.  Keep WINNING!!!

American Artist Carl Childs
2012 BATS Master Instructor

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The Chocolate Fountain was worked on waxed and glazed yesterday morning.  At 0600 this morning I was able to add finishing touches to the fountain.  It is now ready to go into the kiln for the final firing!  I put a fresh coat of clear glaze over the fountain and it will look AWESOME!  I will continue water tests this week in order to overcome some discoveries from water tests #1 & #2.  Next week will be the first week I will be doing a Chocolate flow test.  Stay posted for more information!

Next week is the final week of class for BATS CLASS 001. The new dates are out on the web right now and new students can sign up for this class online right now.  The first day of class is Monday, November 5, 2012 starting at 6:00/1800hrs.  This 3 week class meets twice a week for 3 consecutive Monday & Tuesdays for 2 hours 6:00/1800 HRS to 8:00/2000 HRS EST.  There will be some recruiting incentives available through and only through Carl's Gallery.

The 2012 Visual Harvest opening reception is Thursday, October 25, 5:30/1730 to 8:00/2000.  Awards will be presented at 7:00/1900.  Bring all the family and friends that you can.  This event is FREE and open to the entire public.  No special dress code.  Dress up, Business Casual or casual works!  I might be wearing my BAT SUIT. :)  This 5 county competition is highly competitive and you will see some of the best work in North Carolina.  ****A special for BATS STUDENTS ATTENDANCE**** Come checkout the exhibit an locate my works that are within the show and write the titles down to increase you rating for MISSION 1!
Congrats to Mr. Charlie Childs Jr for finishing the night with the most points on last nights test. Due to this achievement effective as of 17 October 2012 at 11:59/23:00 EST Charlie Childs Jr has been moved to Team Leader status.  The other slots are up for grabs based on value, studio time, communication and Subject Matter Expert achievements prior to 6:00/1800 on the next BATS class day which is Monday.  Right now it is 4th quarter and the ball is deep in your territory. If you are on DEFENSE, the only thing I should hear is CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!  If you are on OFFENSE, I'm expecting, even if it takes going for it on 4th down, TOUCHDOWN.  FANTASTIC FINISHES IS HOW YOU BECOME A LEGEND!!!



             The field trip is this Saturday.  Email me between today and tomorrow for the location.  This event will last from (9-10) approximately 1 hour.  There is no cost to attend!  This is field trip is by exclusive invitation only  BATS class members.  Homework: Review notes from last night and think about the value of the information that you learned last night.  Go online or check your local library for Copyright information.  This will be an opportunity to gain extra points to increase rating.  Make sure you are early for each day of our final week of class.  This upcoming week is going to be ACTION PACKED!  Work a minimum of 20 hours this week in your craft.  Not putting those hours in cheats you of opportunity and growth.  Super Synergy is what we are trying to achieve which will blaze a trail towards VICTORY!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Study and be prepared for the 3rd opportunity!  Review all notes! Keep winning!  Make sure you take time to work your craft today!  Today I will be reviewing video.  The Chocolate Fountain will be glazed today!  I will continue working on my wood and other ceramic projects.  Send emails if you have any questions.  Keep winning! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

WORKING MY CRAFT (Working Smart Now!)

It was a very enjoyable week!  I feel comfortable with the level of learning and production that went on this week.  The Chocolate Fountain has several water test conducted this week for me to be able to maximize the arc that the chocolate will make when it arcs into the air.  Also there is a wood project/ceramic that I have not started putting any information out on yet.  Project Soar has also had more physical work, online research and glaze selection.  Additionally I have verified melting points of metal and gems before going into field test and experimenting.  New art work has also been moved into the Belmont & Dallas areas.  Additionally I was able to enter some beautiful work into another contest.  BATS now has new training aids for future operations.  Additionally I have created a new BATS RATING SCHEME and support form.  BATS scenarios and key information have been written everyday of this week.  One key thing I learned this week was that there's definitely a different mindset between a Production Artist trying to teach and one that has experience teaching or is focused on Art and Education.  Both I know are 2 different worlds and the experiences of both fields will impact the type of student that is developed.  One is focused more on the product.  The other is more focused on the student.  Trying to capture and witness that AH-HA moment!  Right now I have some projects that need to be worked on.  I will continue this blog later.


It is important for each class member to become a follower of my art blog.  This is our "Black Board" for homework, assignments and field trip information.   Additionally everyone should send me an email today. As always if you have any questions just email me at  Most of the class has been given their current rating.  If you haven't email me today!  It is important for everyone to work their field, which is either art or business.  Right now it is important to get the highest synergy possible to build value and importance to your craft and name.  There are practical exercises coming up that your rating will play a direct role in your ability to navigate through the challenge.

Just like an athlete has to eat right, hydrate, get proper rest and practice their craft of exercise daily, you must do the same to get 100% of the benefits of this course.  Why does my art work sell for what it does?  I am putting in no less than 51.5 hours a week working my craft.  Meanwhile others that are investing 0 or significantly less time wonder why they are not in the spotlight or are BROKE.  So FAILURE is a decision that is made by wasting time and not heading the warning signs that are in front of an individual.  SUCCESS is having the intestinal fortitude to pursue a worthy idea relentlessly.  The INVINCIBILITY attitude comes with the constant success of winning big, against the tidal wave of personal and professional adversity.  ANYONE can experience this if they truly believe that they deserve it and are willing to blaze a new customized trail to their intended future.  One secret that I have shared with each of you is this.  Whatever level of investment that you are currently doing in your current craft is far from where you are supposed to be.  The norm for you is so much more!  This class will get you there if you work your craft and put in constant effort.  This class BATS is a one of a kind class and is not available anywhere else in the world!

Also at the same time the journey that I have been on, the haters have watched me as an artist go from conception to adulthood. There are several witnesses to my work ethic, dedication to building individuals and ability to create environments for all to win. Even with all that has been going on I am flexible, learning something new everyday and excited about the Ah-Ha! and new discovery moments.

Always remember, you can be handed the keys to the Porsche, it is up to you to get out of the bed and drive it.  It is your decision to race toward a brighter future or just stay in the garage and talk about what would nice or what could have been.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Positioning for the WIN!!! Chocolate Update!!!!

Today's water tests on the Chocolate Fountain were successful.   I have the data I need to design the interior of the fountain.  I ran water tests yesterday and today.  Stage 1 was concept drawing with 3D model
Stage 2 Final Drawings & First Tier Built,  Stage 3 Additional structures built & bisque firing,  Stage 4 Water Testing, Schematics drawn, preparations for wax/glaze firing, Stage 5 Inspection of glazed pieces, assembly with "plumbing" installed.  Stage 6  Water pressure test,  Soda test, Chocolate test, verify height of water head.  Stage 7  Adjust high angle arc for chocolate to flow.  Stage 8 Activate Chocolate Fountain and insert the very first STRAWBERRIES.  Stage 9 Invite friends and media to opening! Stage 10 Take a bow and prepare to go to DISNEY via Porsche.


Hello Team

                  It is important to know what your current rating is for the upcoming week, practical exercises and tests.  1. Make sure you are accomplishing your daily and weekly milestones.  2. Capture those ideas in 2 formats written and electronic. 3. Don't give away art or ideas any more. 4. We will continue to build value. 5. Everyone needs to send me an email or call before midnight this Saturday.  6. I was planning a field trip for possibly next Saturday.  It will only be a short period of time approximately 1 hour.  Everything that you get will be FREE.  This field trip will help you with upcoming practical exercises. 7. This is the prep week for week 2.  Now is the time to ask questions. Email  Questions can always be asked in class.  It is important that our first hour doesn't get compromised with questions that you can ask me now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chocolate Fountain Water Tests Today

I know everyone has been excited about this project that I'm working on.  I will be testing the flow capacity of  the Chocolate Fountain today!  I'm eager to see the results and explore additional options.  The sky is the limit. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

BATS CLASS UPDATE (2X Studio Time this week)

The class has been AWESOME!  I have been able to cover a range of topics.  It has been fun using technology to teach!  Studio Time is now 2X this week.  It is very important for each student to manage their time wisely this week.  I'm expecting everyone to continue working your craft and building value. Review notes and continue to make future plans. All actions play a role in image, market and sales. Be prepared for interview and rating this week.  Be prepared for first tactical event next week. Everyone should be sending me an email this week.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Review all notes taken.  Be prepared for individual interview during next class. Gather ideas so a plan of success can be generated.  Check blog and website daily.  Keep working on your 20 hours of studio time.  Starting Monday we will be increasing studio time to 40 hours/week.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Good Evening

                        Tonight's class was awesome!  It is important to remember that you are already a winner.  Check out the website and blog daily.   Review your syllabus.  Studio time starts tonight. I'm expecting everyone to be committing 20 hours a week working their craft.  Be prepared for interview on October 2, 2012.  Bring required materials to class. Come early!  Tonight we had 100% attendance, participation and everyone got an A on the first test.  Let's keep the momentum rolling! Review all of the notes that you have taken. Thanks for taking my first class at Gaston College.