Cube Gallery

Saturday, September 21, 2013

AH-HA Moments (PART1)

Discovery is the results of pushing a medium to the limit breaking new ground!  Tremendous growth is the gift at the end of the investment or sacrifice of time.  Everyone has a voice.  The sooner you discover what it is the sooner you will be on a track full of wonder and endless possibilities! Keep WINNING!!! :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Work Your Daily! (PART2)

I'm convinced! No one can get me to move off of this position.  If you want to be a successful artist, there's a walk that you have to keep.  Working your craft provides you with the skill development to be able to create high quality work.   The sweat equity pays off in you increasing your skill level, building your portfolio, increasing your sales.  That's why I'm constantly encouraging other artists to work you craft every week.  A good goal to set for yourself is to work your craft a minimum of 40 hours a week.  You can concentrate your hours on your "Primary Medium"  Additionally you should strive to work in at least 2 or 3 other mediums!  The goal of working your craft is to build and develop your skill level.  Just trying to maintain current skills will cause you to loose that skill level.   I'm referring to actual production, development and execution of a medium.  Not how long it takes you to get to the studio or gather supplies.  I understand that some artist have families, other jobs and or commitments.  Even though all of these exist. Working your craft is the equivalent of breathing.  It is that important!   AH-HA! moments occur when you challenge yourself and several mediums. KEEP WINNING! :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Work Your Daily! No Excuse! (PART 1)

Work your craft daily!  Yes it is possible!  Most people eat at least 3 meals a day.  That is 3 reasons upfront that you should be inspired to work.  As an artist, we are supposed to be more in tune with creativity.  An active mind is constantly spinning the apple and tossing out new ideas.  Working different mediums will cover a spectrum of expenses.  It is your choice with how you set yourself up for success.  Money is the resource that keep you in a production and image building mode.  Yes, there are ebbs and flow that occur during this process.  You have to be in the arts for the long haul of self development and furthering the arts.  No matter what medium you work, you can create a winning scenario.   There are people that are in the medical field that are funding their own art careers.  Even then the goal should be for your craft to at least pay for itself, then eventually extra! I take time and work my craft everyday.  I'm convinced that it is an investment in me, my skill level and the future of the arts!  KEEP WINNING!