Study all of the notes that you have taken to this point. Bring you short term, mid range and long range goals so we can start working the plan. A special note to my artist student, do not give away any more art work. Right now we are in the process of establishing value, doing a makeover on image with a plan to reintroduce you to the community. I this class you will all hear me say that you have gold right now. Every action that you do or don't do effects your image and the value of your craft. Gone are the days of throwing work away and just giving it away to get it out of the house or barn. I had a former student that was able to get $20 for a drawing that he made. This same student threw away 20 drawings. I told silly, that he had thrown away at least $400 at the minimum. It is important to establish value in the craft that you work. Be consistently working in your craft. You should be working your craft with the same sense of urgency or necessity as breathing. People do take breathing for granted. If you have ever stopped or knew or heard of someone that did, you would have a greater respect for breathing. If you are asthmatic or have respiratory issues, you would also know first hand the importance of every breath we take.
Keep winning! Go to this blog and my website daily. Be prepared for the 1st & 2nd opportunity in class next week to demonstrate all of the knowledge that you have picked up in this real world action packed class. Contact me if you have questions! Carry on with the day!
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