Christmas is a season and opportunity to choose to be happy, treat yourself and others right. During this time of year people do a lot for each other. People tend to be more generous, forgiving and open minded during this season. These are the days that adults and children believe that all things are possible. It is important to care about one another, and all that we have been given steward over. We all have the ability and the responsibility to make our world a better place for all to enjoy. Yes, this does mean taking a stand when there is injustice. Not everyone can join the military and that's not the only stand that you can make. If you are a parent, lead with fairness, truth and integrity. That's making a stand, that will last for generations to come. If you are a teacher, maintain that passion for your craft and teach like you have never taught before. If you are a doctor, always build, encourage and keep hope alive. Several people need to witness this in their lifetime. Your craft, comes in contact with several people and is a ministry that provides comfort, healing and dignity. If you are a member of law enforcement, just like the doctor always keep in the forefront of your mind you oath and the commitment to protecting and serving the community. Always remember.
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