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Saturday, March 8, 2014


There are several people in this world that are hurting very bad.  They are spending precious time trying to find artificial solutions to their real problems.  I spend a lot of time talking to people.  I choose to speak life and encouragement into every situation.  One thing we must always keep in mind is: GOD has the final say.  it doesn't matter what it looks like when you have the right relationship with GOD.  That doesn't mean that you won't have trial and tribulations.  Remember when it comes to SALVATION there are 3 components! JUSTIFICATION which happens instantly! ADOPTION which happens instantly! SANCTIFICATION which is what GOD works on us with our personal relationship with HIM!  GOD is constantly trying to make us more HOLY.  That's why our personal relationship with HIM is so important!  Yes, there's work for us to do!  Also we are responsible to build the measure of faith that we have all been given.  Now remember that GOD loves us UNCONDITIONALLY!  Our relationship with GOD and how we are supposed to treat each other is written in the SCRIPTURES.  I surprised several people this we about the importance of  FORGIVENESS.  1. The first thing that I shared this week was this question.  Does GOD know everything? In the current DISPENSATION that we live in it is becoming very clear who is for good and evil.  When I asked this question people took a few consistent positions.  Yes, of course HE does. I made sure that I wanted people to know that I an a active Christian that has accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and HE is the head of my life.  My decisions are going to be spiritually based.  No based on fleshly motives. In my explanation I talked about God's FORGIVENESS.  When GOD forgives us the sin is as far as the east is from the West! WHEN GOD FORGIVES THE SIN IS GONE! GOD DOES NOT REMEMBER IT OR BRINGS IT UP! SO GOD DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THESE  SINS AFTER YOU ASK BELIEVE HIM AND HE FORGIVES.  Know this anyone that tries to remind you or tries to get you to connect to a negative past or events to challenge your SALVATION are not of GOD!  There are several people that really need to hear this message! 

People try and use technology to try and have illegitimate authority over you. People are doing all that they can at record rates around this country to create division and hurt to their own families.  People that call themselves family are blocking each other on phones, social media websites, taking out false restraint orders , ignoring calls for help, not talking to each other for years or several decades at a time.  Remember we are talking about people that GOD put together FAMILIES!  Additionally these are the same people that have to be carried, caught and covered up every Sunday because they love JESUS so much.  What's going on? When someone believes that once saved always saved they don't believe they have to treat other right. GOD IS CLEAR IN HIS WORD THAT HE WILL NOT FORGIVE US OF OUR SINS IF WE DO NOT FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER.  What that means if you don't forgive you will not be forgiven.  So, yes you can claim to be saved and full of the Holy Ghost and do to your own unforgiven spirit qualify for HELL. By having FREEWILL we do have the ability to suppress the HOLY SPIRIT, HE RESIDES on the inside of us. GOD put HIM their.  Our bodies belong to Jesus Christ because HE purchased them with HIS BLOOD.  That's why we have no authority to deface or abuse the body we have by putting bad things in it or bad things on it.  Yes, we are talking about drugs, poor eating, poor diet, lack of exercise for the inside.  We have no authority to brand, intentionally scar or tattoo the body we reside in.  It is not ours, we are not alone the Holy Spirit is on the inside of us.  The same Holy Spirit that raise Jesus from the dead!  With FREEWILL we can choose to do GOOD or EVIL anytime we want. 

I wanted to make sure the time was taken to try and get this important message our because people are being deceived into hurting others because they are hurting.  Seeking GOD for guidance, healing and restoration is how we are supposed to live.  Too many people are walking away from their families or dividing their own family because that's what they want to do.  I have spent time in God's face over the past 5 years to get answers to help family unit.  The current understanding that I have from talking with several thousands of people in several different state are: Reasons for Abandonment: "I'm tired of waiting on GOD.", "He doesn't make the money that he used to make." "He wants me to get a job and help with all of our bills." "He won't buy me a new truck even though we are in debt." "He won't pay off my $60,000 student loan I created before we got married." He won't let my ex-boyfriend move in." "I don't want anyone putting limits on me or telling me what I should do." "I can only go by what I see." "I don't what to live there but Arizona or Texas." Are any of these excuses a biblical reason for separation or divorce?  God's answer to this is RELATIONSHIP! You have to have relationship with GOD for you to have peace.  Do you know any family member or members that are constantly moving not for job purposes.  They move because they get into fights and have contact with the law.  They are restless, hurting and out of RELATIONSHIP with GOD.  That's why they have no peace of mind.  Some of these same relatives have decided to to start breaking the law and taking advantage of others to support their lifestyle.  Through free will they have made a commitment to do wrong and evil things to innocent people.  Family can be predators, unfortunately.  We must pray that they return to God in the proper relationship, so they are not lost while they are deceived and busy trying to make others hurt like they hurt.

 No matter the problem or pain that you go through. You deserve healing and restoration. Too often an innocent person's heart and spirit is broken at a very young age by abuse, incest or neglect.  Anyone treated that way is damaged and needs healing and restoration.  Sometime the person that does the abuse is in the family.  That keeps reopening wounds or provides a new generation of people to victimize.  Unfortunately most people that go through these horrific events never get counseling, healing or any type of treatment.  They live their lives like a walking time bomb.  Too often instead of being a champion of right and justice, these hurt people become a professional abuser.  They have been there and got the tee-shirt and will not be broken or show weakness ever again.  When this spirit is taken into any relationship it will grow and get out of control. It does have to be turned over to GOD to get the spiritual healing that you deserve.  You must seek counseling to get acknowledgement, support and reassurance that you are now safe.  When you are abused as a child or young adult, you tend to be frozen mentally at the ages of trauma and abuse. Sometime medication is needed if there's a chemical imbalance or a measurable mental condition.  I know of family members that have stopped taking their medications and have disappeared to other states to try and blend in.  It is not a shame if you need to take medications that allow you to live a normal life.  If I needed to take medication so I could better handle stress, losses and failures and aid my decision making then I would be obligated to continue with it until things properly change.  We all need to be focused and live in the correct year that we are in. We can't live in years of hurt 1984, 2002, 2008 anything that's in your past will truly be history when you turn it all over to GOD!  As artists some of us use our craft as an outlet to help facilitate the healing that's needed. In conclusion, Turn to God because your relationship with HIM is the most important. Everything else will come online when you submit to HIS will and HIS way!  You deserve to be deceived no more!  Accept the Liberation, Deliverance, Restoration that Jesus Christ brings by you doing HIS will.

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