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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Be encouraged!  You can outlast the haters! Never feed into their system of games and foolishness.  When you keep the main thing the main thing you keep your focus.  Foolish people try to establish their level of importance in your life.  Always remember that you have GOLD right now.   Realize that some people, not all want your GOLD.  When it comes to the HATERS, I'm going to share the closest guarded secret in the world.  When it comes to the imps, I mean haters.  They want to be you or like you.  They enjoy and envy the attention that you get all the time.  They want to replace you.  They say things like: He smiles too much.  He's too happy! No one deserves all that attention! He doesn't have real legitimate moxie! I'm not going to the exhibit! Why is everyone making a big deal out of this? He was only on CNN twice!  They say things that give you a hint to their thought process or lack there of.  "When I see him, its just like he's laughing at me."  When you just flash the smile you are blessed to have and enjoy staying stuck on joy as a way to live.

When there's drama, it is because you are not only doing something right but you are doing it with excellence, precision and ease.  So instead of being a fan of your work they are diametrically opposed to all that you are and stand for.  They feel that you have robbed them of fame and fortune and plot for your fall.  These haters are not just strangers, they are family, teachers and anyone that buys into the noise.  Remember, if a hater has temporary authority over you as a teacher, follow the rules, learn and get through the class.  Do not be compromised to do anything illegal or unethical because the hater wants to have power over you!  Haters will talk about you to their spouses to the extent the spouse will come tell you.  This is when someone really likes and wants to be you that they alienate or anger their own spouse with their obsession of you.  Be very careful, all that I'm sharing is true.  Scary is some ways but oh so true!  People see what you get.  They rarely see the cost that you have to pay to get the synergy that you have.  When someone believes that you get recognition that they feel is not in proportion to your efforts or experience they hate you.  This is where the twist and twisting starts!

Be safe and take people's actions toward you and your career very seriously.  Make sure that you be ready to battle legally when someone crosses the line.  Make sure it is worth it and legitimate.  Not everyone is going to have your fire and perspective on your craft!  Don't allow the Nay Sayers to contaminate your thought process, goals, dreams and accomplishments.  You will unfortunately experience people breaking your work and destroying your electronics to try and put your career on ice or to end it.  You will experience the "Family Hater" that will try to advise you on your career, exhibits and discourage you to go for higher degrees when they have their AOS degree.  If you have 1 or more Art Degrees is this person really qualified or looking out for your best interest?  I'll answer that for you NO!  One good thing about the haters your fire and motivation forces them to work!  They have to step up if they don't want to look too bad.  Watch how things tend to change and people will start to emulate some of your work ethic.  The ultimate thing I will share is that you can win over your HATERS! :) Keep WINNING!  The VICTORY IS ALREADY YOURS!  Now the theme music to Rocky (Eye of the Tiger) can stop playing now! :)

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