Cube Gallery

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today is a New Day

Today is a new day!  A day full of opportunity and new discovery.  It is also a time to be patient with others, which is always an opportunity.  It is a good thing to let that car merge into traffic ahead of you.  You know that person was thinking that no one was going to let them in.  You suddenly surprise them they smile and wave at you full of excitement. Later on that same day a person's credit card is not working at McDonald's and this one that you let into the traffic now pays for some one's coffee.  The one that had the coffee bought for them now helps a disabled student navigate the campus.  Now we get to the blind person who exclaims, "I love what I see."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Victory Report! The Future is Super Bright!

Carl's Mini Geometric Game is a time to create, learn and grow.  It is fun to take time to create a 2D or 3D work with paper and pencil.  Everyone has artistic ability.  Each day is an opportunity to develop and share you craft with others.  Over the past 2 days children came to the Carolina Place Arcade and created mini masterpieces with colored paper and colored pencil.  Laughed, had fun playing the games and winning prizes.  Everyone that participated won at least one prize.  There was a variety of geometric shapes created: Circles, Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, Trapezoids, Octagons, Pentagons, and a Rhombus.  The whole process was interesting by the choices of shapes and the energy that was brought to the event.  Yes we had repeat customers from the previous event.  I had fun playing the games and creating some shapes myself. I'm definitely looking forward to our next event in Kings Mountain. Everyone that participated was excited and encouraging to each other.  This weekend was a win, win for everyone that was part of this event.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Carl's Mini Geometric Game is Today!

Today is the last day of our super event! Come on down and play the arcade games, enjoy the snacks and take home a prize.  Go to  Try the newest free game on the site, Duck Hunt! Definitely all credit and copyrights belong to Nintendo Co. and any other legal organization that has a legitimate claim as well.  Thanks for the use.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Carl's Mini Geometric Game November 23 & 24

Everyone take a look at Page 3D of the Special Thanksgiving Edition of the Gaston Gazette!  Mr. Bernie Petit, Liz Williams and the rest of the Super Team gave superior coverage of Carl's Mini Geometric Game!  I appreciate all of the work of all of the newspapers that have been covering my work as an artist over the past 2 years!

Take a look at the website created, developed and launched by Carl's Gallery Technician, Mr. Charlie Childs Jr. The website  Take a look at the website, complete with the rules for participation in Carl's Geometric Game.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

They Got it REALLY TWISTED (Stinking Thinking PART 1)

In BATS Business, Art, Tactic, Sales, I show you how to win in your craft. You have to bring your goals and dreams to the table to build a realistic plan.  If I'm going to show you how to build a house.  There are going to be customized plans, land, excavation equipment, plenty of lumber, block and a Delorean to park in the driveway. Oh, oo-o-oh, come on that's how I roll.  

"The System" that is currently in place has lied to you!  Does the system speak life? It is by design because there are no coincidences ever.  Are you happy getting 100% of ZERO?  How many have spent several decades working craft gaining no momentum or making any headway.  The one's that think they are winning are the big fish in that small pond.  If you enter the same contest and stay in the same circles for over 30 years your bound to get a few trinkets.  Just because you have been working a craft for several decades doesn't mean you are good with people, organizing or sales.  You don't want to be out there struggling and loosing.  Were you listening to Luka when she said "I think I'm ok. I walked into the door again." Too many have buried their dreams at very early ages. NOW IS THE TIME FOR LIBERATION!

Value has to be established no matter what you are offering.  There are a lot of people around the community calling themselves "instructors" "teachers" and try to create classes to look good on paper.  Yet they teach no one. Does that make sense? They are not furthering their craft.  Doing this puts your craft in danger of becoming EXTINCT.  When you focus on having a program that doesn't show value it doesn't matter how cheap the price may be.  The same thing when it comes to pricing art work.  Bring A Game to the table and charge A Game price.  If you have been half stepping for quite sometime lets say 20 to 40 years.  I''ll qualify half stepping.  You have not invested in the next generation to teach them your craft. You have not left your comfort zone, experimented to high levels in your craft for inner discovery.  If you keep recycling the same art work by showing the same stuff all the time.  You maintain an attitude of not trying to say or build a sense of encouragement in self and or others.  When you don't be social at art events because no one buys your work.  Your years of high pressure sales and co-hoot sales have run out.  Now you've been sour quite sometime.  Especially if you can not provide hard copy or electronic evidence of achievement and legacy building. You try to cover it with fake smiles and wine.  

I've been bless, to know the system that can lead anyone that wants it into a prosperous situation.  You need to believe that you deserve it.  Have the intestinal fortitude to capture you goals and dreams and move forward to the victory. You have to be willing to run harder than you have ever run in your life to achieve your heart's desire.  Life needs to be spoken in every area of your life all the time.  By you and everyone that happens to be around you.  You have to reconnect with that original vision or spirit that had you on fire for your craft.  That is the only acceptable way to live.

It is a process...a mind set.  THE GREATEST BATTLEGROUND IN THIS REALITY IS YOUR OWN MIND.  I don't share secrets often, this one is important for you to know!  You must pursue all of your goals as if you are INVINCIBLE.  The mindset that you can't fail is achievable at any age.  It all boils down to what you do with the time that you have been given.

BATS Leader Report 21 November 2012

The current BATS class is finished!  It was a great experience working, teaching and developing my classes. It is also great to know that previous classes are still following the blog.  The blog is there to help promote creativity, provide guidance and important information.  The blog is a constant reminder that you can do it! It is very important to keep winning!

Now there's only 1 BATS Class left for Fall 2012 Business, Arts, Tactic, Sales
Dates: Start Date December 3
All class meeting days: December 3,4,10,11,17,18
Class meets 2x/week Monday/Tuesday 6-8pm
Location: Gaston College (Dalpiaz Center Room 206)
Current Cost: $62 Last chance

Check this blog daily for updates on shows, exhibits, classes, and other special events.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Customized Table #1 is Finished!

My first Customized Table is finished!  At least until I decide to stain it. :) Right now the raw wood with all of the pencil marks is going to show.  There was a lot of growth and experimentation in completing this goal.  Now that I know it is possible I'm ready to go larger and create more refined detail.  What I loved the most about this work was all of the Ah-Ha! moments.  There were several of those throughout this entire process.  I have decided to go with design modification 3, out of all of my choices.  Design 3 has the most unique look, versatility and stability out of all three designs.  Additionally this work can always be used as my model for completing other work.  This piece can be further sanded and stain for a finished look.  The color of the stain would give more of a richness and a bold color to this work.  I really enjoyed this work.  Yes, I will continue to work this medium.  I look forward to fully developing my woodman skills. I loved all of the discovery and new skill acquired that were specific and unique to this project.  Some of the most important skills were:  1 Cutting safely over an extended period of time. 2. Vvisually learned how to create wood joints, 3. Learned some sanding techniques, and freehand designed all of the curves that are in my table.

Monday, November 19, 2012

BATS LEADER REPORT 19 November 2012

Now we are in week three! Mission week! There will more tests!  Everyone should be spending serious hours in you craft (40-60).  I will be checking portfolios, sketchbooks, and blog set up and pages today.  Everyone did well on the opportunity test.  Study your notes!  You will be given your rating information this week. Checkout this blog several times each day for assignments!  Study the website.  Due to several community events we didn't go on a field trip and the holidays are here.  We can plan to take a field trip within the first week of December.  We can talk about the trip in class tonight.  Make sure that everyone is early as usual. Keep winning!

Organic Sculpture 90% Complete!

My Organic Sculpture is 90% complete. There are a few finishing touches that I want to put on it.  This piece looks very serious! Once I'm finished I'm taking a quick break and then I will assemble my customized table.

Today I have some additional 2D work that I will be working on until completed.  I was thinking about bring some of my work to class today. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

New Organic Sculpture Near Completion

I'm happy to report that my new Organic Sculpture is almost complete.  Before the night is over I will have another 12 hours or more invested in this super work!  I am constantly encouraging my student to work their craft.  Working my craft is very important for growth and discovery!  Each day can have a shift in the focus work of the day.  I tend to work on multiple projects at the same time.  In a typical day I will dedicate 2-4 hours drawing/sketching.  Then I dedicate 8-10 to clay and the last slot 8-10 is for wood or other special projects.  I do make adjustments with my day to ensure time for classes, priority projects and community events. Each day I strive to invest at least 8 hours in one of my active mediums and work a minimum 3 mediums as well.

Woodsman, Ceramicist, Writer & Instructor (Part 1)

Never get tired of winning!  Today is going to be another highly productive day for me.  I am currently working on my newest sculptural work .  I have been spending hours carving this one of a kind piece.  Additionally I have made some design modifications for my first customized table.  The customized table will definitely be finished within the next 48 hours.  I have all of my sections cut.  The joints are cut and drilled out. Now is the time to shim, dowel rod assembly and glue. This being my first table I will leave it for everyone to see the natural wood color. Later I will stain this table to give it a finished look. I will also be working on my after action review of the last night's event. I'm expecting some emails requesting permission to use my name and image.  Don't get caught without the permission because a lawsuit is never worth it. I'm an artist & model and it is serious business to use any one's information and image.  Also taking pictures of my work or any other artist's work without proper permission is a no go.  I know people love using Facebook   Putting images out on any site or social media without permission can and will eventually cause the person that posted the images and information to get into legal trouble.  In my class BATS, information is taught about the 1976 Copyright Act. Student/artist are empowered with knowledge to protect themselves and their work. Education and informing the public is a continuous process.  I have a few more tests from my BATS class to correct.  I have already written the next 3 tests for BATS and currently writing 3 books for the class.  Copyright (c) 2012 American Artist Carl Childs

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Art Fundraiser & Sale was Awesome

Now the fundraiser event is over.  As an artist I have some work to do because of Christmas order processed today.  I'll blog with more information later.

Soldier of Clay in Charlotte (Part1) Scene I

I'm very excited to share with everyone that last night was a SUPER event.  The music was on point with sound quality, energy and diversity of genre.  All of the musicians are master artists, that work their craft and establishes the best mood that can create a memorable night.  Everyone lets give our musicians a standing ovation for a craft well done!  When it comes to the food. It was a bad....shut your mouth.  The food was a plentiful plethora of pleasing and pleasant delights for every pallet.  I love the presentation of the the food. It was visually stunning!  I had to take a picture of my food before I ate it.  To me this was a cherished moment that had to be captured and shared! Now I need everyone to back away from their computers and stand up again to give a standing ovation for the food.  Please be seated.  Now we are about to do our first internet toast on my blog.  Stand up again!  Raise your glass.  It doesn't matter what's in your glass. Just raise it.  My glass has milk, it's the first food my mommy started me on. :)  So don't worry about it.  Let's give a job well done to Project Art Aid Staff, The Musicians, The Chef and last but not least the artists.  Without the artist, the world would be a very dismal place.  Drink your beverage, be blessed and please be seated.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Establish Value, Vision & Relationship for Life

Last night was an AWESOME night! :)  How AWESOME?  Since you asked I'll share this story.  As of right now, names will not be used to prevent their personal embarrassment. :)  Last night was a reception for an artist at the college.  Proper support was not put into place to maximize the chances of this artist having a strong crowd.  No just in case you are thinking it, I'm not talking about myself. :)  My policy is when I know an artist has a show I make it a priority to be there.  Supporting the artist, is always free to do.  It is dedication to the entire art community when you attend a show.  Offering an artist a show is one level of thinking that requires vision and support.  What was done right was that there was plenty of food at the event.  The next area is where the majority of people in the art world are sucking wind in:  Marketing your own image, your craft and making each contact with the community a major event.  When I do a show at the minimum it is extensively on my world renowned website (, my AWESOME blog (, 2 or more local newspapers, radio and any other medium possible.  I generate customized invitations and personally give out hundreds.  Email campaign reminders are also sent out to support the event.  Last night I took a big stack of the artist's show cards and went building to building asking student to "Follow Me" to the free art reception.   I went room by room asking people to come support the artist and enjoy all of the free food that was there.  I ran into students trying to get a tone of stuff out of the junk food machines.  I said hey, there's plenty of free food at the reception.  Everyone is invited.  The following people will be referred to as "idiots".  Full credit is given to the online dictionary for having this most needed word to explain the level of some people you may have dealt with in your life.  So you might relate to my perspective. :)


  1. A stupid person.
  2. A mentally handicapped person.
fool - imbecile - blockhead - dunce - nitwit - dolt
These idiots, who happen to be in the poorest financial category "student" didn't see the value of free food.  Everyone around here knows I'm about taking care of my body, serious exercise and eating right.  I informed them that there was plenty of cookies and other things they would like.  They just continued to put money into the "life sucker machine"  It is America and it is your choice, so don't whine later.  I went into one class introduce myself and gave the previous invitation of supporting as usual.  One idiot, stood up and said who are you.  Immediately I thought I could respond by saying, "I'm a Master of Disaster" Referring to my Hurricane Katrina/Rita Testimony." or "The King of Sting" referring to Military Experiences or Remind her I am the artist of this Century.  Instead I just said  I'm the guy that always offers free things and opportunities to everyone.  It is your choice if you receive or not.  I have given out gas money, tickets to places, healthy milkshakes, tuition and the day is coming that I will be able to give Porsche's away.  Everyone stopped what they were doing, gave her the nastiest looks that a human could give to another and everyone lined up behind me like I was the most competent leader that ever lived. :)  Now I had found "real students"  No I didn't stick my tongue out at the idiot.  I did think about doing it though. :) One guy was in the breezeway, after I talked with him he immediately shut down his laptop and was fired up to go see some artwork! They followed me over to the event.  I introduce each one to the artist who was glad to see more people to come see his work.  All of these students had a great time and enjoyed the art work and the food.  I stayed a little while then went back out fishing for more people.  What I want people to understand about this story that I shared is supporting and artist is like having ice cold lemonade in a frosted glass while you are in the desert.  Supporting the artist is the same as needing oxygen underwater and above it.  The event was a success and success is not dependent on the numbers.  The more people that come and take a look shows that people still care about each other.  So when very little show up it is a reflection of a death or a dying society. Every minute of everyday there is an artist somewhere in the world forging a new creation for the world to see.  Take time to see especially when it is free.

As a Writer All of My Material is Copyright Protected

Copyright 2012 Carl's Gallery, American Artist Carl Childs  Requests for permission to use material from any of American Artist Carl Childs' Blogs can be sent to
I let the all of the chips fall where they may.  Stealing content will get you jacked financially :) Friendly Neighborhood Artist

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


After careful thought and now I'm publicly displaying the schematics to my latest creation.  My latest creation is a customized table.  This table is designed to feature a very unique piece of sculpture, one piece at a time. This table can stand alone or be put on top of another table to put work at eye level.  This feature gives you 2 completely different experiences of the work.  I have created another unique work from materials that was bought in my local community.  I have moved this work up to stage 3 and I'm quickly nearing completion.  I have been using serious power equipment and have been blessed and continue to be blessed to be safe.  All of the images come from above and I'm the recipient with the testimony to share.  I will be continuing to work with some serious power equipment.  Each piece of equipment is highly dangerous and I wear all my safety equipment and stay focused on the task.  I do not answer any calls, texts or noise that imps try to bring to the table.  When I'm in the zone, I'm one with the project and see it to completion.  This project is totally original and I have boldly experimented and created all original curves in all of the wood.  Tomorrow will be early assembly work.  I haven't decided if I will stain it soon.  I love the look of the raw wood.  I can say that it won't be painted.  This is my first table, it may get upgraded with glass and a little BLING.  Stay tuned!  The sky is the limit! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Tonight was the first opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned so far in this class. I'm sure everyone did well.  It is important for every student to continue working their craft.  This week you should be working your craft 3-8 hours/day.  In order to build value, sharpen skills and build credibility you must dedicate the time, the sweat equity to win.  Make sure you go to this blog daily for support, homework and information. Checkout my website as well.  Make sure you are completing your technology requirements of 25 hours. 

Homework is for you to create your 1st journal, which should be a written nonelectric booklet. It is OK to maintain a journal on a thumb drive in addition to your book. Also now after tonight's class everyone should be able to start creating a blog. Remember what your craft is and the focus or purpose of your blog.  You don't have to publish your blogs yet.  Homework part 2 is to develop a name, web address as a minimum for your blog.  Make sure you keep title and web address very simple because you will be giving it to other people starting next week.  Always use spell check!Copyright 2012 Carl's Gallery, American Artist Carl Childs Requests for permission to use material from any of American Artist Carl Childs' Blogs can be sent to

Monday, November 12, 2012

BATS LEADER REPORT 12 November 2012

Tonight we covered the purpose and importance of a blog.  A blog is one way to build value to your craft and your credibility in your field.  I recommend if you have a website or blog, keep it fresh, innovative, interesting and up to date.  My recommendation for a website is to update it as often as it is necessary for it to serve the intended purpose.  You can update monthly or weekly if you want to have superior results.  Too many artists websites are several years out of date.  Too many artist use a website as a way of checking the box or as a tool to temporarily improve status.  These artists miss out on the opportunity to maximize their results with an awesome website that tells a powerful story and provides quality images and information. A blog gives your audience the inside track of your thought process, ideas and the behind the scenes story of why you do the craft you do. A blog is an opportunity to share information that can build your credibility in your craft.  A blog can be your electronic newspaper or it can be a journal that you let selected fans peer over your shoulder and watch you write. Copyright 2012 Carl's Gallery American Artist Carl Childs

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Habitat For Humanity Was a Super Opportunity

Today was another AWESOME day!  I was able to spend several hours talking to people from all walks of life Thursday through Saturday.  I enjoy talking with people.  I'm amazed about the wide variety of topics and personal testimonies that were shared with me especially today.  It is true, time flies when you are having fun.  I spent a good part of today sculpting a piece of clay into my next work.  It was amazing how people gathered around to watch and ask questions.  Everyone that came by was excited to see the Chocolate Fountain!:)  It was the talk of the day!  I always make sure I have a strong mix of my work  in every show.  My main table, had the Chocolate Fountain as the center piece surrounded by butter trays, spoon rests, mono prints and acrylic paintings on tabletop easels.  To my back was a half circle of easels with intaglio prints and acrylic paintings.  I moved everything from the center stage location that I was given of Thursday to the door that went into the Re Store area.  Today I was the last artist on site that was invited to the Habitat for Humanity!  I wanted to see this event to the end and perseverance is power!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Chocolate Fountain is at the Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser

.The Chocolate Fountain is at the Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser.  I have enjoyed the time spent at the fundraiser/art sale.  I have met some very interesting people who have asked me some great questions about my work.  I appreciate the invitation and opportunity to display my work and talk with the community.  I enjoy talking with people about my art.  I made sure I had a good balance of  paintings, ceramic and prints.  Each piece has such a unique look, it makes each work a conversation piece.  Habitat for Humanity is a great program that empowers individuals to become 1st time homeowners!  This program is among the best programs in the world that you can invest you time, money that will provide opportunity and legacy

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Study all of the notes that you have taken to this point.  Bring you short term, mid range and long range goals so we can start working the plan.  A special note to my artist student, do not give away any more art work.  Right now we are in the process of establishing value, doing a makeover on image with a plan to reintroduce you to the community. I this class you will all hear me say that you have gold right now.  Every action that you do or don't do effects your image and the value of your craft.  Gone are the days of throwing work away and just giving it away to get it out of the house or barn.  I had a former student that was able to get $20 for a drawing that he made.  This same student threw away 20 drawings.  I told silly, that he had thrown away at least $400 at the minimum.  It is important to establish value in the craft that you work.  Be consistently working in your craft.  You should be working your craft with the same sense of urgency or necessity as breathing.  People do take breathing for granted.  If you have ever stopped or knew or heard of someone that did, you would have a greater respect for breathing.  If you are asthmatic or have respiratory issues, you would also know first hand the importance of every breath we take.

Keep winning!  Go to this blog and my website daily.  Be prepared for the 1st & 2nd opportunity in class next week to demonstrate all of the knowledge that you have picked up in this real world action packed class. Contact me if you have questions!  Carry on with the day!

Monday, November 5, 2012

BATS CLASS HOMEWORK (November 5, 2012)

Review the notes that you took tonight.  Read the syllabus again so you know what is expected of you for this class.  Create a list of your short term, midterm and long range goals so we can customize your program.  Don't listen to the noise of anyone saying that you can't win or be successful.  Be proud of yourself taking this first step towards victory.  Every class I will dedicate time to establishing and building value.  Read my blog and go to my website on a daily basis.  Follow the shows I have currently scheduled.  There will be tests on all of this information, especially all of the vocabulary builder for this class.  Lets keep the vision clear and move forward towards the finishing line.

 In this class, I tend to heavily use technology.  I will be using every tool that I can to make sure you understand and learn the material for this course.  You all have my email, which is the best way to reach me.  Additionally you all have my phone number, as I said earlier I tend to be in the mountains or other remote areas so I may not get good reception. Last but not least work your craft! I am expecting my artists to be working a minimum of 3 mediums a week for 10-20 hours for week one of class.  I am also expecting my singers to be singing 3 different genres of music everyday with a minimum of  21-24 hours for the first week of class.  I was shown some portfolio work tonight which was great.  That's how you get the "Immunity Idol" in this course.  Every action that you do in this course is going to translate into a "rating".  Additionally all of you are also responsible to work with technology a minimum of 10 hours this first week.  Next class will be the first "Opportunity" to see what you have learned so far in this action packed class.

I am an artist and will continue my quest of completing 64-80 hours in my craft this week.  When it comes to your craft, it takes discipline, dedication and vision to have the intestinal fortitude to blaze a trail to victory.

CARL'S GALLERY 11000 Visitors from 34 Countries!

A warm thank you from Carl & The Art Team!  It takes a team in order to succeed!  This is a serious milestone that has been achieved! Thank you to everyone that has purchased work, viewed my work, offered display opportunities, donated to the cause and gave words of encouragement!  We WIN TOGETHER!  The process of winning is nonstop and will continue to build value and momentum.  I keep telling people don't wait until I'm doing a project with Sir Paul McCartney, Alicia Keys, Usher, AEROSMITH or any major artist that you know to realize that I'm serious about my craft. 


Welcome to BATS,  Business Art Tactic Sales

I want to officially welcome BATS CLASS 002CC to the Gaston College Campus.  Be prepared to win!  You are about to be introduced to information and a unique teaching style like you have never experienced.  This class will teach you a lot of "DIAMOND" concepts that you will be able to take with you and apply to your life.  This class will get you running on the track that you are supposed to originally be on.  Right now you may think that you are operating in your norm.  We are supposed to be doing great things and that is the norm I have been operating in for a while now.  With there being 6.5 Billion people in the world, each one is unique and is here with purpose.  My mission during this class is to get you on track and motivate you to stay on track of your goal or dream that you have been struggling to achieve.  The challenge is for you to bring goals and ideas that you want to achieve.  Together we will develop a full court press push toward your success.  BATS is a class that will show you that you have gold right now!  BATS only speaks life into you goals!

Thanks for making the choice to live your goals and not just dream about what would be AWESOME!

Master Instructor: American Artist Carl Childs

Business Art Tactic Sales (BATS)
This course is designed to help the artist develop
a stronger mindset, momentum and courage to
move to the next level in their career. This class
is especially for the visual artist, performing artist,
model, hair stylist, business owner or future
business owner. Upon completion of this course,
students will be able to understand and demonstrate
techniques of marketing image, pricing work
created, basic artist rights, writing a press release
and an artist statement. Students will also be able
recognize and emulate marketing and media techniques
to have positive impact on image, sales
and market. Additionally, this class is designed to
improve your confidence, productivity, and marketing.
Requirements are to bring your ideas and goals
so we can customize a path of success for you.
12 Hours - $62
MT 11/5-11/20 6:00P-8:00P Room 206

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Soldier of Clay in Charlotte November 16th & 17th

 Multi-Talented American Artist Carl Childs, The Soldier of Clay will be in Charlotte, North Carolina for a 2 day art fundraiser and sale.  This is your best opportunity to get some art for you Christmas and New Year season.  "Art belongs in every home and business, there should always be prices to help the average Joe or Jane."  said Mr. Childs.  The Soldier will be featuring "King & Queen Butter Trays, functional pottery and mono prints. "This event is among my last major public appearance before my "Royalty Series" (3D) & "Rendezvous With Destiny"  (2D) are released to the public." said Mr. Childs.  Additional information of times will be available through this blog, radio, a local newspaper and Internet sources.

The Soldier Schedule:

Date: November 8th & 9th Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser/Art Sale  City/State Gastonia, NC
November 8th by invitation only. November 9th the entire public is welcomed 6PM-9PM!

Date: November 16th & 17th, Event: Art Fundraiser/Art Sale  City/State: Charlotte, North Carolina              
Location:  Behailu Academy in NoDa
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Special Instructions: Plan ahead for this event. There will be appetizers and wine available for attendees. DESIGNATED DRIVERS!!!  If underage you will not be served any alcohol. You will be served water or other nonalcoholic beverage. This is an NoDa Art Crawl night so there will serious crowds.

November  23rd & 24th, Event: Carl's Mini Geometric Game  City/State: Kings Mountain, North Carolina     Location: Carolina Place Arcades
Time:TBA soon
Special Instructions: Parents/Guardians/Grandparents must be there for newborns, toddlers and the rest of their little ones. Participate in Carl's Mini Geometric Game and have fun.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Special Thanks to Kings Mountain Herald for Super Story!

The Kings Mountain Herald has done it again, by consistently writing a Super story about me.  The article has one of the hugest pictures you will ever see in a newspaper. The article dominates the front page of the Lifestyles section, loaded with large color pictures.  The story puts together all of the high points of my art career.  It talks about graduation, BATS, Carl's Mini Geometric Game and so much more. It is a blessing to get super coverage.  The newspaper helps keep my message and focus on the arts, fresh in multiple communities.  Additionally the reporters and photographers interest in my work establishes something that I teach in my class, value.  Always remember that you are winning!  That you have unlimited potential and possibilities.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Creation "Soar" Will be on Tour Today

Today is the day VIP, Friends of Carl, Soldier of Clay Fans, Collectors and buyers will be the first to see "Soar".  I have to mention the haters.  "You motivate me to soar higher!"  "How do you like me now! :) As an artist this work is finished for now.  This work is energetic and highly textured skin that is awaiting the "BLING" that will be installed on this piece.  As of right now one of the following gems will be the featured stone in "Soar"  Ruby, Diamond, Star Sapphire or Emerald.   This piece has unlimited potential and has that ancient look to the piece.  Adding a precious stone only makes sense.  Also Spock & Tuvok always agree with my choices...because they are logical.  As an artist when you create awesome work and there's still room for the work to go to an even higher level, do it.  With all that being said, "The "Lady" is going to get some precious stones that will already enhance the beauty that is already there.

"Soar" right now stands to be my first work that will have at the minimum precious and semi-precious stones.  "Lion Tablet will be the first work that will have precious metals installed.   Every action as an artist builds value.  Every decision as an artist builds value.  Every idea as an artist is a seed of legacy.