Cube Gallery

Friday, November 16, 2012

Establish Value, Vision & Relationship for Life

Last night was an AWESOME night! :)  How AWESOME?  Since you asked I'll share this story.  As of right now, names will not be used to prevent their personal embarrassment. :)  Last night was a reception for an artist at the college.  Proper support was not put into place to maximize the chances of this artist having a strong crowd.  No just in case you are thinking it, I'm not talking about myself. :)  My policy is when I know an artist has a show I make it a priority to be there.  Supporting the artist, is always free to do.  It is dedication to the entire art community when you attend a show.  Offering an artist a show is one level of thinking that requires vision and support.  What was done right was that there was plenty of food at the event.  The next area is where the majority of people in the art world are sucking wind in:  Marketing your own image, your craft and making each contact with the community a major event.  When I do a show at the minimum it is extensively on my world renowned website (, my AWESOME blog (, 2 or more local newspapers, radio and any other medium possible.  I generate customized invitations and personally give out hundreds.  Email campaign reminders are also sent out to support the event.  Last night I took a big stack of the artist's show cards and went building to building asking student to "Follow Me" to the free art reception.   I went room by room asking people to come support the artist and enjoy all of the free food that was there.  I ran into students trying to get a tone of stuff out of the junk food machines.  I said hey, there's plenty of free food at the reception.  Everyone is invited.  The following people will be referred to as "idiots".  Full credit is given to the online dictionary for having this most needed word to explain the level of some people you may have dealt with in your life.  So you might relate to my perspective. :)


  1. A stupid person.
  2. A mentally handicapped person.
fool - imbecile - blockhead - dunce - nitwit - dolt
These idiots, who happen to be in the poorest financial category "student" didn't see the value of free food.  Everyone around here knows I'm about taking care of my body, serious exercise and eating right.  I informed them that there was plenty of cookies and other things they would like.  They just continued to put money into the "life sucker machine"  It is America and it is your choice, so don't whine later.  I went into one class introduce myself and gave the previous invitation of supporting as usual.  One idiot, stood up and said who are you.  Immediately I thought I could respond by saying, "I'm a Master of Disaster" Referring to my Hurricane Katrina/Rita Testimony." or "The King of Sting" referring to Military Experiences or Remind her I am the artist of this Century.  Instead I just said  I'm the guy that always offers free things and opportunities to everyone.  It is your choice if you receive or not.  I have given out gas money, tickets to places, healthy milkshakes, tuition and the day is coming that I will be able to give Porsche's away.  Everyone stopped what they were doing, gave her the nastiest looks that a human could give to another and everyone lined up behind me like I was the most competent leader that ever lived. :)  Now I had found "real students"  No I didn't stick my tongue out at the idiot.  I did think about doing it though. :) One guy was in the breezeway, after I talked with him he immediately shut down his laptop and was fired up to go see some artwork! They followed me over to the event.  I introduce each one to the artist who was glad to see more people to come see his work.  All of these students had a great time and enjoyed the art work and the food.  I stayed a little while then went back out fishing for more people.  What I want people to understand about this story that I shared is supporting and artist is like having ice cold lemonade in a frosted glass while you are in the desert.  Supporting the artist is the same as needing oxygen underwater and above it.  The event was a success and success is not dependent on the numbers.  The more people that come and take a look shows that people still care about each other.  So when very little show up it is a reflection of a death or a dying society. Every minute of everyday there is an artist somewhere in the world forging a new creation for the world to see.  Take time to see especially when it is free.

As a Writer All of My Material is Copyright Protected

Copyright 2012 Carl's Gallery, American Artist Carl Childs  Requests for permission to use material from any of American Artist Carl Childs' Blogs can be sent to
I let the all of the chips fall where they may.  Stealing content will get you jacked financially :) Friendly Neighborhood Artist

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